Buying tracks on Supercollector is a new way to show how much music means to you.

Better than simply buying music downloads, with Supercollector you are independently verified as a super fan of the music.

We believe a bigger distinction between casual listener and fan will produce a healthy new online music culture.

The support of music makers needs a big change and Supercollector is here with a strong position - a track you love is worth at least $10. That’s 10 x Bandcamp, 10 x the support to the artist, 10 x as special.

How is this higher level of support independently verified? That’s where blockchain tech comes in, decentralised and permanent, it opens up a whole new world for fans that can prove they are fans.

Your collection is public for all to see and gaze at in wonder in a new decentralised ecosystem for music.

Next: How to buy tracks

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